
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thrifty Finds

This pasted Saturday my mom and I went to a few garage sales, and we picked up a few good finds. Luckily for us our neighbor was having her annual garage sale to raise money for a local cat shelter. Now cats aren't really my favorite but garage sales are!
From our lovely neighbor I got a large wicker basket, and a scrabble game. Then later in the day we went back and I got two small vintage picture frames. I plan on using the scrabble tiles for some projects and I'm going to use my new basket to store my crochet projects. 
Before going back to the neibours we went to a few other sales where I found a brass lamp, a cake stand, and an acordian hook board.
On Monday I ended up at a few thrift stores. Were I got a few more things...

I got a Sound of Music record, jar of buttons, embroidery floss, old dictionary, and a Sherlock Holmes book, and a spool of wool thread. I got all this for under 7 bucks. 
It was a fun and thrifty weekend. I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend!

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