
Friday, August 9, 2013


Thank God It's Finished! This week has been a semi productive one. I have watched way to many old black and white movies and eaten way to much popcorn. But somewhere between watching and eating I found time to crochet a few things. I made three iPhone cases. The first one because I saw a relative had pinned it and I was going to see her the next day so I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. Then the other two were made because my aunt and cousin saw the first one and both wanted one of their own.
 Then just yesterday I finished a doily and put it in the embroidery hoop I got from a garage sale awhile back.
Awhile ago my Oma gave me a whole big Rubbermaid bin full of scratchy yarn. I can't really use the yarn for anything that would directly touch the skin like a hat or scarf. I have used some in an afghan I made, but I still have practically a full bin. So now I'm making baskets. I'm not following a pattern I just started with a circle and worked from that in a hdc stitch. 
So that's what I've been up to this week and continuing with my obsession with watching black and white movies; right now I'm watching Miracle on 34th Street. Yes, I'm aware it's August and not Christmas but it's a sweet movie and I like it.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

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