
Friday, August 23, 2013

DIY Yellow Box

At the beginning of the summer I picked up this four drawer metal box at an estate sale.
When I got the box home to my surprise I realized it was actually two boxes stacked.
Now I know these boxes are old because of the way they were made, and looking at them I don't think they have even been cleaned. So I had to sit for what felt like 5 hours scrubbing and wiping the boxes clean, prepping for spray paint.
Finally after a lot of drying time my little project is finally done!
This was pretty much my first spray painting project, so I learnt a few things. Like how to prep the metal surface, and a trick to painting handles.
Here is how I painted the handles. This worked really well It protected the threads on the handle from getting painted and it was faster because I didn't have to wait for one side to dry to turn it over and paint the other. I just used a grey spray paint that we had lying around in the garage. As for the yellow spray paint I used this:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Brownie In A Mug

Well we all get chocolate cravings, and lately chocolate is all I can think about! So I searched on Pinterest for a recipe and found over 100. I picked this one because it had the fewest amount of ingredients. Unfortunately I don't know the original site the recipe is from but I did write it down.

  • 4 Tbsp. Flour
  • 4 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. Cocoa powder
  • pinch of salt
Mix all the dry ingredients in the mug.
  • 2 Tbsp. Water
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 Tbsp. Vegetable oil
Add wet ingredients into mug, and mix.
Then microwave for about 60 seconds, sprinkle chocolate chips on top and microwave for another 10 seconds.
And that's it! It's super easy, and taste SOOOO good. One final thing, it's a good idea to clean the mug soon after your done eating your yummy brownie 'cause if you don't, it can get a little tricky to clean.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What to do?

When my family and I were cleaning out the second story of our cabin boat house. I just so happen to find a bunch of dirty/beautiful old windows. After talking to my grandparents I found out that a few of the windows were from their old house, and the rest were from the cabin when grandpa's parents still owned it. Now my problem is I don't know what to do with them. I've been searching Pinterest and the Internet gathering ideas, But I still don't know what I'm gunna do. (All the windows still have glass in them but some panes are cracked.)

All the windows are painted different colors and there are two of each size.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thrifty Finds

This pasted Saturday my mom and I went to a few garage sales, and we picked up a few good finds. Luckily for us our neighbor was having her annual garage sale to raise money for a local cat shelter. Now cats aren't really my favorite but garage sales are!
From our lovely neighbor I got a large wicker basket, and a scrabble game. Then later in the day we went back and I got two small vintage picture frames. I plan on using the scrabble tiles for some projects and I'm going to use my new basket to store my crochet projects. 
Before going back to the neibours we went to a few other sales where I found a brass lamp, a cake stand, and an acordian hook board.
On Monday I ended up at a few thrift stores. Were I got a few more things...

I got a Sound of Music record, jar of buttons, embroidery floss, old dictionary, and a Sherlock Holmes book, and a spool of wool thread. I got all this for under 7 bucks. 
It was a fun and thrifty weekend. I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend!

Friday, August 9, 2013


Thank God It's Finished! This week has been a semi productive one. I have watched way to many old black and white movies and eaten way to much popcorn. But somewhere between watching and eating I found time to crochet a few things. I made three iPhone cases. The first one because I saw a relative had pinned it and I was going to see her the next day so I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. Then the other two were made because my aunt and cousin saw the first one and both wanted one of their own.
 Then just yesterday I finished a doily and put it in the embroidery hoop I got from a garage sale awhile back.
Awhile ago my Oma gave me a whole big Rubbermaid bin full of scratchy yarn. I can't really use the yarn for anything that would directly touch the skin like a hat or scarf. I have used some in an afghan I made, but I still have practically a full bin. So now I'm making baskets. I'm not following a pattern I just started with a circle and worked from that in a hdc stitch. 
So that's what I've been up to this week and continuing with my obsession with watching black and white movies; right now I'm watching Miracle on 34th Street. Yes, I'm aware it's August and not Christmas but it's a sweet movie and I like it.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Summer Days

My Saturday was spent sitting in the sun with my iced tea in one hand and my Anne of Avonlea book in the other. 

The evening was spent around a bonfire with a bag of Nibs and a Mikes Hard Lemonade.  While crocheting iPhone cases. (I'll post a tutorial sometime this week)
I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!

Friday, August 2, 2013


Thank God It's Finished! I have been crocheting like a mad women all week trying to finish some of my WIP'S (works in progress). I was successful in completing an afghan, beach bag and some more hexagons.

 My new afghan was made out of yarn from my stash. This summer I am trying really hard to get rid of my yarn so that I can get new/better yarn. I'm thinking I'm going to give this blanket and maybe a previously made blanket to a local homeless shelter. I would keep it for myself but I already have way to many homemade blankets. For this blanket I used a simple shell stitch and 2 different colours.  I think they were both Red Heart brand but they have been in my stash for so long I can't remember now.
My new beach bag is made from Loops & Threads, Impeccable yarn. I used one 4.5 oz ball in the color Amethyst, for the body of the bag and part of a ball, in the color True Grey for the handle.
I made some more grey hexagons for yet another afghan in the works. This one is going to take me forever to make.
These are my finished projects from this week. I hope to have plenty more next week along with a few gifts.
Have a great weekend!