
Monday, July 22, 2013

Garage Sale Haul

After the farmers market this weekend my mom and I hit some garage sales. We came out on top with stuff from four different sales. We went to about six or seven garage sale and one estate sale.
From one of the first sales I picked up two stamp sets.

I really like the Susan Branch set. It is so cute. It includes 18 sentiments and 4 accent designs. Some of the sentiments are so adorable like: "Out of the way women working", "With love from me to you", "Housework, when done correctly, can kill you, and my personal favorite: "What you eat standing up doesn't count!"
The second one is just a basic sentiments stamp set. You can never have to many sentiments so why not. Both  stamp sets are brand spanking new. They both came with an ink pad, the girlfriends set came with a purple one and the sentiments come with a black one that was as dry and hard as a rock so it went into the garbage but that was fine because each stamp set was like 2 bucks. 
Last weekend we didn't have a plan when we went out looking for yard sales but we ended up at an estate sale and I fell in love. It was awesome!This lady I assume she was moving to a retirement home or in with her kids or something. Anyways she had so many awesome things. I got this awesome metal box (i'm told they used it to file title cards in library's, way back when). I am currently in the middle of spray painting it so as soon as i'm done I will post a picture/tutorial or something, and my mom got a box of kitchen stuff so like cookie sheets, measuring bowls, and muffin tins. Back to my point, This weekend I had more of a plan. I found an estate sale on Kijiji. Disappointingly we didn't find anything at this one but on the way out we past a FREE box and I had to do a double take because I found an old embroidery hoop.
I know its old because it doesn't have that little thing to tighten the ring around the fabric once you get it on there. But i'm alright with it not having that. I'm planning on putting a piece of fabric in it and hanging it on my wall in my bedroom so that I can hang up my dangly hook earrings. I got the idea off of Pinterest of course.
At another yard sale(At a house we had been to the previous year and remembered that it was a good one with vintagey things.) I found an old grape crate, a vintage thimble, and some buttons.
I have no idea how old this crate is. It was in good condition and it has good colors so all in all it was a good buy. I know it's not really old but I liked it and thought it would be perfect for storing my button jars.
I got this container and a couple of small sandwich bags of buttons. The lady asked if i was a button collector. I answered with "yes, yes I am". She said that she was too and that it was slowly time for her to start purging her collection. We also talked about some of our rare and most interesting buttons. She was a super nice lady with a nice house and I will always look for sales at her house.

I don't do any sewing... at all. Especially hand sewing because well I'm straight up horrible at it but I found this to be simply adorable and in very good condition so i just couldn't leave it behind.

At the very last sale we went to the people were a little strange.... but they had a few good things. I found this awesome old lamp.
The lamp and shade are both in pretty much perfect condition and it was only $5. I did like the shade when I first got it but once I got it in place I decided it needs a new shade. I have no idea how to shop for a new lamp shade so that should be an interesting adventure. Also at that yard sale my mom got a cute little old card table. There will be many days in winter spent sitting around our new table playing games. Here is a picture:
We had never seen a table like this so we just had to get it and it was only 5 bucks so that was another reason we had to get it. Some times we get a little carried away when we go out to garage sales but we kept it in check this weekend. 

I hope to share some garage sale tips on an up coming post, so keep an eye out for that.

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