
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Button OCD

My family always calls me crazy when I get a bag or box of buttons because I have a whole routine that I follow in order to organize my button properly. I am a visual person and I like things to symmetrical and in order. The process I follow is pretty ridiculous I know that but it works for me. The first thing I do is, make sure they don't smell. I've come to notice that some of them do. Usually the ones that are stored in plastic containers. If they do smell I rub them down with a dryer sheet and that usually works. Then I lie them out on a cookie sheet. Then I separate them into color groups.
Its hard to see but the four dark groups and different there is gray, brown, black, and misc. Once that is done I put each group into the corresponding jar. I have them sorted in 12 different jars.
They are separated into white (2 jars), yellow, pink and orange, red, purple, blue, green, brown, gray and silver, black, and misc.(buttons with more then one color or buttons I just can't decide on what color they are.) 
I still have room to grow my collection; which I plan on doing. My favorite are the white buttons because they look vintage in there jars. I would like to start a project with them but I have no idea what that will be. In these jars are just my plain buttons my specialty buttons are in different jars. I got all of these jars from the salvation army store for I think it was $6.

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